Sunday, January 20, 2008

Lets Navigate ....

I have recently been accused of not being positive enough and giving in to this Lyme thing. The point of these ramblings is to make a couple of people a little less morose and maybe to help them use their addled brains to locate and then even grab a bit of a hold of their sense of humour with their arthritic hands. So even though I am no less sorry for myself - which I think is a great service to humanity ... after all it makes it completely unnecessary for anyone else to do the tedious job... the point that I am missing the levity boat is well taken!

So what is fine about Lyme??

1. You get to understand a lot about how difficult illness can be.
2. You learn to appreciate the little things enormously.
3. Priorities are re-defined.
4. ..... no no no this is not funny at all.

I just dont feel like being funny today.

Bad mood! Bad bad mood - just want to shout ... which might rate for funny peculiar.

will try to fly straight and level tomorrow ...

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